Saturday, October 22, 2016

Part I: England

Prepare for picture overload. We left Salt Lake City on September 15, 2016 and took a direct flight to London Heathrow. The flight was wonderful (I had a great book) and Ian watched movies. 

Our first three days in London were spent doing all things touristy. We booked a hop on hop off bus tour and saw EVERYTHING!  

 The Tower Bridge was definitely a highlight of this trip. I made Ian walk over it at least six times with me. I just couldn't get enough of it. 

One of the trains we took left out of Kings Cross Station and I about had a heart attack when I saw this. I made Ian stop so we could take a picture. 

If the two round trip tickets weren't enough (refer to previous post) some of our dearest friends paid for our hotel the first three nights in London. It was so generous of them and we had such a pleasant stay. 

The next day we boarded a train from London to York to go visit our dear friends Deb and John. We met them on our cruise that we took in February of this year. We never thought that we would see them this soon and visiting them was such a treat. They took such good care of us and showed us all around York. We even had fish and chips with them at the Wheatherby Whaler. 

They also have one of the most beautiful homes, complete with the most beautiful garden you've ever seen. 

 Exploring York. John and Ian could talk politics and religion all day if you let them. 

 We took a tour of this neat train museum in York. My favorite were the hospital trains. 

 One of the coolest things we've ever done in our marriage was tour this coal mine in York. They give you a hard hat and light and put you in the shaft and send you down 500 feet into the ground where the give you a guided tour of the mine. They showed us mining through the years and all of the equipment that they used and still use to this day. Such a neat experience. 

John and Debs have become some of our dearest friends. They treat us like their own and we are so grateful that we were able to spend some time with them!! 

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